My friend Emily moved to Halifax at the beginning of August to do her Masters Degree at Dalhousie University. Settling into a new city, new life takes a little time...but it has been a good ride so I'm told...she's full of stories but this one is by far the best one. Now before you read this there a few things you need to know about Emily...
#1. She's a very go get'em type of girl
#2. she's stands a mamoth 5'1"
#3. she can be very very very cynical...
#4. sarcasm is her best friend
This is how she told it to me....and yes I asked for permission to blog about it...
Wow...this guy is a winner... I personally can't wait till they get married so we can sing the oompa loompa song when she walks down the aisle. I've always wondered what oompa loompas did when they weren't working for Willy we knowAfter a night out with some new people I met...I get up to leave and a guy I haven't talked to all night or even met introduces himself..." name is Tom, I didn't get to meet you." (except I thought he said Dave to begin with...)
So I'm walking out and we chat a bit...then he gets held up so I just keep going...cuz its getting later and I don't know the neighbourhood. I start down the stairs and he's life "Hey!" (as in 'hi', 'hello'...not the stuff that horses eat) "Are you walking home?" Of course I am, so we walk together and we talk...blah, blah, blah. Anyway the guy walks me home, which for the first time in my life I really appreciate because I was a little nervous about the neighbourhood.
The best part of the night is when I think he tried to compliment me...oiy. We were walking along and he asked me how tall I was (*sigh* when will it ever NOT matter?). Then he said he thought that it was great that I was 5'1"...then he said he liked little people...and THEN...this is the best part...he said little people are like oompa loompas.