Tuesday, October 04, 2005

1.61 - The One with the intoxicated golfer

The sign read "No Alcoholic beverages allowed on golf course at anytime." Ok...that's fine with me...not sure how getting drunk would improve your golf game. I was out with Phil golfing on Saturday and we were partnered up with a guy who's friend's didn't show up so he needed playing partners. Fine by me...I usually play better with people I've never met so hopefully that this would be the same. This guy said he had to take 2 buses and a cab to get to the golf course...and he wasn't too pleased with the no alcohol sign...because he had 6 beers in his bag. He obvioulsy had already started to drink...you could smell it on his breath...his speech was already slurred...and this was 2pm. So we tee off on the first hole...I drive it about 280...Phil follows up with about 260...and our drunk partner...7 yards...I think...not even past the ladies tees. Great...this is gonna be a looooonnnngggg round of golf.

By hole 6 this guy had already drank 4 of his 6 beers...plus Phil said he saw him pull out a small bottle of vodka...it was one of the worst rounds of golf I've ever seen anyone play....and I've played many bad rounds...and been with my friends who don't ever play...and they did better. So where is the logic in being drunk and playing sports? Especially golf?


T said...

it was windy that day...and the wind was behind me...