Last week Naomi turned to me and said..."Let's go to the zoo..." So we went on Saturday. I haven't been to the zoo since I was a kid, and all I can remember is that there was a LOT of walking. But I was pretty excited. The weather was great, not too hot, and when the sun was beaming down, there was a nice breeze that came through. The highlight of the visit was the sting ray exhibit. An extra $3...but so worth it. We were able to pet and feed them. Not sure when I'll go back to the zoo again, but I'm sure that I won't wait as long as I did.
And for all you hockey fans...check out the BEST hit of the year. Too bad the refs blew the call and gave Kronwall a 5 minute major and a game misconduct for a clean hit.
[via YouTube]
Monday, May 25, 2009
5.63 - The One at the zoo
Posted by T at 10:03 a.m. 0 comments
Labels: FUN FUN FUN, hockey, Red Wings, zoo
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
5.62 - The One with the pier
Here's a pic from this past long weekend. A couple of girls drove down to the pier and got out. Problem was...the driver didn't put the car into park."I didn't even feel the bump." Uh huh...EPIC FAIL
Posted by T at 12:12 p.m. 0 comments
Labels: fail
5.61 - The One with the golf ball
Best quote from this weekend came from my round of golf with Chris and Rick. Picture 18th hole, slight dogleg to the right. Elevated green, 50 yard wide fairway...with a large tree, about 210 yards away, just off the right tree line. Chris tees up and nails the tree. We get up to it and try to find the ball. Some his ball ends up a few yards in front of the tree. I find it and place a pine cone on it to mark his ball. Chris grabs an appropriate wedge from his bag and Rick drives off in the cart to find his ball. I come up behind in my cart and drive over Chris' ball as he is looking out into space.
As I'm waiting for Chris to hit his ball I hear him yell, "HEY! Did you step on my ball?"
"No man..."
"WHAT?!?! That's not's like sunken into the ground!"
"Nope...didn't step on it..."
"I drove over it! HAHAHA!!!"
"HAHAHA! Jerk!"
...ahh gotta love golfing with friends...
Posted by T at 10:35 a.m. 0 comments
Thursday, May 07, 2009
5.60 - The One with the Job Applicant
I have respect for those who go out and try to find jobs. Especially the ones that go into a business cold and ask if they are hiring. BUT they say first impressions are everything...
A guy came in yesterday to the office dressed in shorts, a t-shirt and a cap on sideways. Asked if we were hiring. Now I try to keep an open mind about people when they come in...but this guy was asking for a job. I hesitated to say no, so I asked if had a resume. He gave me this shocked look, like it was something that shouldn't be necessary. Unfortunately for him, he didn't have one. FAIL.
Word of advice for job seekers...dress for the job that you want when you visit a business. AND bring a resume!
Posted by T at 10:52 a.m. 0 comments
Friday, May 01, 2009
5.59 - The One with the 80's movies
2 of the movie that I am most excited for this summer are Transformers 2 & GI Joe. The first Transformers movie was pretty I have high expectations for the sequel. GI Joe on the other hand...I really have no expectations for. It has the potential to be really bad movie. But I'm excited because its a throwback to my childhood, where Transformers, GI Joe and Lego reigned.
Check out the new trailers for them:
Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen
GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra
[via Trailer Addict]
Posted by T at 10:34 a.m. 0 comments
Labels: 80's, GI Joe, movies, Transformers