Wow...I'm getting married's crazy how time has flown by so fast. Everything has gone somewhat smoothly. I'm going to start the day off going golfing.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
4.99 - The One with the cake : Episode III
So I've shown you the Death Star Cake, and the R2-D2 I present...the Millennium Falcon cake......could you imagine if I got to have this as my cake at the wedding? T-Minus 4 days
[via get the big picture]
Posted by T at 4:47 p.m. 1 comments
Labels: cake, wedding planning
Monday, August 18, 2008
4.98 - The One with the seating plan
Yep...less than a week. I think the hardest thing to do right now is the seating plan for the reception. You want to sit people with someone they know...but where do you put the odd ones? Like the friends that only you know? Somehow today I ended up with 4 people with no seats. But I think I figured it all out. We'll's kinda like putting a puzzle together...
Posted by T at 4:32 p.m. 0 comments
Labels: wedding planning
Friday, August 15, 2008
4.97 - The One with "So What Do You Do?"
Posted by T at 9:24 a.m. 0 comments
Labels: job, web design
Thursday, August 14, 2008
4.96 - The One with the new phone...kinda
I got a new cell phone!! No it's not the's the story...
I wake up this morning to find that my cell phone didn't charge overnight. I checked to see if it was plugged in...nothing wrong there. Tried out another charger...same result. cell won't hold a charge. So I take it into Rogers and the guy does his tests on it. Nothing is wrong with my battery, and since it's past the 30 days so he can't just replace it, he needs to send it off to be fixed. Now I'm stuck with a loaner phone until mine get's fixed. I go from a Motorola Razr2 V9 to a Nokia
Posted by T at 2:31 p.m. 2 comments
Labels: cell phone, fail, Razr2, Rogers
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
4.95 - The One with the rockstar
Ever see in movies or on TV where there's this rich guy who goes into a warehouse full of expensive items and buys everything? I've always wanted to do something like that...and it kinda happened the other day. I was at Pacific Mall on Saturday (an Asian mall in Toronto) picking up a few things for the wedding when I spotted the perfect groomsman's gifts. So I went to the vendor and asked how much the item was and if they had more. She directed me to another man who took me downstairs to the basement and lead me to a door. I assumed that it would be a small closet with some merchandise in it. But when he opened the door and turned on the lights, I was in shock. The room seemed like it went on forever and it was full of stuff. Think a treasure room or something like that. It was pretty impressive.
The man then showed me the different styles of the item I wanted and laid them out for me. I looked them over and said, "ya it looks good...I'll take them all." He looked up at me in surprise...and smiled. Yep...I felt like a rockstar.
Posted by T at 10:54 a.m. 0 comments
Labels: buying, wedding planning
Thursday, August 07, 2008
4.94 - The One with the Wedding Favours
We've been working hard on the Wedding Favours for the last couple of days. My hands are hurting...but we've accomplished a lot. I think we've spent about 10 hours or so on them. Even had a Bourne marathon tonight...although I don't think I watched too much of was on in the background.'s a sneak peak of the favours...
...sorry that's all I can show you. But I'll leave you with this...the new Coldplay video of their self proclaimed "best song they've ever written", Viva La Vida.
Posted by T at 11:47 p.m. 2 comments
Labels: Coldplay, Viva La Vida, wedding planning
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
4.93 - The One with the countdown
where did the summer go? 17 days until the wedding...scary. Oh just to let you all know...the ceremony is at 2pm...
Posted by T at 10:12 a.m. 1 comments
Labels: wedding