One of my favourite songs is "Stand by Me" by Ben E. King. Such soothing sounds and amazing lyrics. I've heard a bunch of covers over the years. I think this is the best one yet. It all started out with It all started with a base track—vocals and guitar—recorded on the streets of Santa Monica, California. Then is was taken around the world and produced this master mix.
[via Playing for Change | Peace Through Music]
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
5.58 - The One with the Song around the World
Posted by T at 11:46 a.m. 0 comments
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
5.57 - The One with the elevator ride
I'm a fan of elevators. Especially the glass ones. The one at the CN Tower is pretty sweet too. One time we had a bunch of people and a couch stuffed in one at the mall. The security guard wasn't too impressed, but what was he going to do? Confiscate the couch? He was old and a mall cop...we all know what they can do. Yes I'm talking to your Paul Blart...
So what happens when Porsche says that they want to have a press conference on the 94th floor of your building with one of their cars? How are you supposed to get it up there? Well...use the elevator![via jalopnik]
Posted by T at 1:33 p.m. 0 comments
Thursday, April 16, 2009
5.56 - The One with the Carbon Fiber Legs
Here's a feel good story:
I think this is pretty awesome. Look how happy she is...In 2005, Ellie May Challis lost all of her limbs to meningitis. In 2009, she's become the youngest person ever fitted with carbon fiber legs.
Her original prostheses never fit perfectly, causing her pain and great difficulty when walking. So, with the financial help of their community, Ellie May's parents took her to Dorset Orthopaedic where doctors designed an extra small pair of carbon fiber legs—the same type of prostheses used by Olympic sprinters—costing about $15,000.
She'll need a new pair of legs every two years as she grows up.
But while doctors were originally worried that she'd have a tough time balancing on her new limbs, Ellie May is moving twice as fast as she did before. And as one specialist put it, "Within seconds of having them on, she was off. It will change her life."
[Echo via Neatorama]
[via Gizmodo]
Posted by T at 2:38 p.m. 0 comments
Labels: awesome, happy, technology
Monday, April 13, 2009
5.55 - The One with the Vaporized car
Ever watch Mythbusters? It's pretty much the best show on the Discovery Channel. Recently Jamie & Adam (our Mythbuster guru's) decided that it wasn't good enough to pancake a car with two semi trucks. They had to smash a car with a rocket traveling 650mph. Watch what happens:
...gone in a blink of an eye...
[via YouTube]
Posted by T at 10:38 a.m. 0 comments
Labels: awesome, Mythbusters
Thursday, April 09, 2009
5.54 - The One with Photoshop
I love Photoshop. Such a powerful program...but there are some that abuse it too much. yes I'm talking to you Tabloid papers. I must admit do have some talented artists creating your headlines. This clearly "Photoshopped".
[via Flickr]
Posted by T at 3:52 p.m. 0 comments
Labels: Photoshop
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
5.53 - The One with the Squeezable awesomeness
Face it...bacon is awesome. In fact, it's the first element on the Periodic Table of Awesoments. I present to you, bacon in a bottle: Squeez Bacon®
The World's Most Perfect Food
A few years after WWII ended, a young man working in a small restaurant in Sweden developed a new way to process bacon. By precooking it and blending it in a special way, he was able to make a fully cooked 100% bacon paste that could be squeezed from a tube. Knowing he had discovered something paradigm-shifting, young Vilhelm Lillefläsk quickly went into business. That, dear friends, is when Squeez Bacon® was born. And this delicious delectable from Sweden has finally been brought over to the USA - now with American Flavor!
We've been working for months now with Vilhelm Lillefläsk (yes, he still runs the company!) to bring Squeez Bacon® here, and boy are we proud. Why? Because Squeez Bacon® is simply the tastiest bacon food product ever made. Did you know that it's rumored ABBA met while eating Squeez Bacon® sandwiches? And even IKEA founder Ingvar Kamprad (we've heard) never travels without a case! He loves it on his American style meatballs. Ojojoj!
Vilhelm Lillefläsk's Squeez Bacon® is fully cooked 100% bacon. Due to the patented electro-mechanical process by which Squeez Bacon® is rendered, it requires no preservatives or other additives. Each serving is as healthy as real bacon, and equivalent to 4 premium slices of bacon! You can put it on sandwiches, pizza, pastas, bacon, soups, pies, eat it hot or cold (warm Squeez Bacon® on toasted rye is to die for), substitute it for bacon in your recipes, or even eat it right out of the tube like we do! If it's edible, it's better with Squeez Bacon®. In the immortal words of Vilhelm Lillefläsk, "Aldrig kommer att ge dig upp!" Once you get a taste of Squeez Bacon®, you'll know exactly what he meant.
watch the video!
[via ThinkGeek]
...ok...bacon is awesome...but this is a little overboard. Happy April Fools Day!
Posted by T at 9:17 a.m. 0 comments
Labels: April Fools, awesome, bacon